HomeWeb Management ToolConfiguring the SMB Send environment

Configuring the SMB Send environment

Setting flow

The SMB Send is a function that sends original data scanned on this machine to a shared folder in a specified computer. The shared folder is shared using the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol.

If the WINS server is installed to resolve the name, register it.

Using LLMNR (Link-local Multicast Name Resolution) enables you to resolve the name even in an environment that does not have a DNS server. This option is only compatible with Windows computers. It is useful to resolve the name in the IPv6 environment.

When using the SMB Send function, follow the below procedure to configure the settings.

  1. Configuring network settings of this machine (Here)

  2. Configuring basic settings for SMB transmission (Here)

  3. Configuring settings to suit your environment

    • Using the WINS server (Here)

    • Performing name resolution with LLMNR (Here)

    • Using in DFS environment (Here)

    • Using the Scan to Home function (Here)

    • Constructing a single sign-on environment for SMB transmission (Here)

    • Using the Scan to Authorized Folder function (Here)

    • Checking whether there are sub folders when searching for an SMB sharing folder (Here)

  • To specify a destination computer using the host name, configure the appropriate machine settings and prepare the appropriate environment so that name resolution can be performed with DNS or LLMNR.
    To perform name resolution with DNS, a destination computer can be specified with "Host Name (example: host1)" or "FQDN (example: host1.test.local)".
    To perform name resolution with LLMNR, a destination computer can be specified only with "Host Name (example: host1)".

Configure basic settings for the SMB transmission

Configure the settings for using the SMB Send function.

Select [Network] - [SMB Setting] - [Client Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[SMB TX Setting]

When using the SMB TX function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[SMB Authentication Setting]

Select an authentication method for SMB transmission according to your environment (default: [NTLM v1/v2]).

  • [NTLM v1]: Performs the NTLM v1 authentication. This option is available in the NT domain environment.

  • [NTLM v2]: Performs NTLM v2 authentication. This option is available in the NT domain environment.

  • [NTLM v1/v2]: Performs NTLM v1 authentication when NTLM v2 authentication fails. This option is available in the NT domain environment or Mac OS environment.

  • [Kerberos]: Performs Kerberos authentication. This option is available in the Active Directory domain environment.

[SMB security Signature Setting]

Select whether to enable the SMB signature of this machine to suit your environment (default: [When requested]).

  • [Disable]: Disables the SMB signature of this machine.

  • [When requested]: Enables the SMB signature of this machine (client) only when the SMB signature is requested from the server side. If the SMB signature is not requested from the server side, operations are performed while the SMB signature of this machine (client) remains disabled, and a connection is possible even when the SMB signature on the server side is disabled.

  • [Required]: Enables the SMB signature of this machine. To establish a connection, the SMB signature is also required in the server side. If the SMB signature in the server side is disabled, it will not be possible to make a connection.

Using the WINS server

When WINS is installed in your environment, register the WINS server.

Select [Network] - [SMB Setting] - [WINS/NetBIOS Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.




When using the WINS server, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[Auto Obtain Setting]

When automatically specifying the WINS server address using DHCP, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[WINS Server Address1]/[WINS Server Address2]

Enter the WINS server address when manually specifying it.

Use the following entry formats.

  • Example of entry: ""

[Node Type Setting]

Select the name resolution method (default: [H Node]).

  • [B Node]: Makes inquires by broadcast.

  • [P Node]: Makes inquires to the WINS server.

  • [M Node]: Makes inquiries to the broadcast and WINS server in sequence.

  • [H Node]: Makes inquiries to the WINS server and broadcast in sequence.

Resolving the name using LLMNR

Using LLMNR (Link-local Multicast Name Resolution) enables you to resolve the name even in an environment that does not have a DNS server. This option is only compatible with Windows computers. It is useful to resolve the name in the IPv6 environment.

Select [Network] - [TCP/IP Setting] - [TCP/IP Setting1] - [DNS Host] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[LLMNR Setting]

When using LLMNR, set this option to ON (default: ON).

Using in the DFS environment

If DFS (Distributed File System) is installed in your environment, enable DFS.

Select [Network] - [SMB Setting] - [Client Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[DFS Setting]

When using DFS, set this option to ON (default: ON).

Using the Scan to Home function

Configure the settings to use the Scan to Home function.

This function is available when the user's home folder is registered in Active Directory while user authentication by Active Directory is installed on this machine.

Select [User Auth/Account Track] - [User Authentication Setting] - [Scan to Home Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Scan to Home Settings]

When using the Scan to Home function, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • Sending to Your Computer (Scan to Home) (Here)

Constructing a single sign-on environment for the SMB transmission

When user authentication by Active Directory is enabled, single sign-on can be set on this machine.

Select [Network] - [SMB Setting] - [Client Setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[SMB TX Setting]

When using the SMB TX function, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[SMB Authentication Setting]

To use the single sign-on function, select [Kerberos] (default: [NTLM v1/v2]).

[Authentication Setting if Kerberos Fails]

If [Kerberos] is selected in [SMB Authentication Setting], select whether to perform NTLM authentication when Kerberos authentication has failed (default: [Disable NTLM]).

  • [Enable NTLM v1/v2]: NTLM v2 authentication is performed when Kerberos authentication fails, and NTLM v1 authentication is performed when NTLM v2 authentication fails. This option is available when both the Active Directory and NT domains are specified.

  • [Disable NTLM]: Assumes that authentication fails when Kerberos authentication has failed.

[Single Sign-On Setting]

Configure the single sign-on function for SMB transmission.

By using the user authentication information (login name and password) of this machine as SMB destination authentication information (host name and password), you can avoid the problem of having to specify SMB destination authentication information, allowing construction of a single sign-on environment for SMB transmission.

  • [Default Domain Name]: Enter the default domain name to be added to the host name of the destination at SMB transmission (using up to 64 characters). The default domain name cannot be prefixed by an asterisk (*).
    If the domain name of the destination is not specified by the user when sending data using SMB, the domain name specified here is added. This item is not required when Active Directory is used as an authentication server.

  • [SMB User Credential Setting]: When using the user authentication information (login name and password) of this machine as SMB destination authentication information (host name and password), set this option to ON (default: OFF).

  • [Edit SMB User Credentials]: This option is available when [SMB User Credential Setting] is set to ON (default: OFF).
    Setting to OFF (Restrict) registers SMB destinations, excluding the user ID and password specified at login. However, using Web Connection, an SMB destination is registered, including the user ID and password.
    Setting to ON (Allow) enables you to select whether to register SMB destinations, including the user ID and password. Selecting [Reg. excl. ID and Password] automatically adds the user ID and password at SMB transmission.

[User Authentication(NTLM)]

When using single sign-on, set this option to ON (default: ON).

[SMB security Signature Setting]

Select whether to enable the SMB signature of this machine to suit your environment (default: [When requested]).

  • [Disable]: Disables the SMB signature of this machine.

  • [When requested]: Enables the SMB signature of this machine (client) only when the SMB signature is requested from the server side. If the SMB signature is not requested from the server side, operations are performed while the SMB signature of this machine (client) remains disabled, and a connection is possible even when the SMB signature on the server side is disabled.

  • [Required]: Enables the SMB signature of this machine. To establish a connection, the SMB signature is also required in the server side. If the SMB signature in the server side is disabled, it will not be possible to make a connection.

Using the Scan to Authorized Folder function

Configure the settings to use the Scan to Authorized Folder function.

Using the Scan to Authorized Folder function allows you to limit SMB transmission destinations only to computers that can be connected using user authentication information.

Select [User Auth/Account Track] - [Scan to Authorized Folder Settings] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[Scan to Authorized Folder Settings]

When restricting the available destinations, set this option to ON (default: OFF).

If [Scan to Authorized Folder Settings] is set to ON, the following restrictions will be applied:

  • Addresses cannot be specified by direct input for scan transmission.

  • Users cannot save files to User Boxes.

  • Users cannot send files from User Boxes.

  • Users cannot use annotation User Boxes.

  • Users cannot select addresses from transmission log.

  • Users cannot use the URL notification function.

To use Scan to Authorized Folder, configure the following settings in addition to [Scan to Authorized Folder Settings].



User Authentication

Enable user authentication.

SMB Send

Enable the SMB send function.

SMB Registration

Register the SMB destinations.

  • Addresses other than SMB cannot be used concurrently with Scan to Authorized Folder. If address book, group, and program data other than SMB are registered, delete all of them.

  • The [User ID] of the registered SMB address must be left blank.

Limit user's registration/change of address

Disable user's registration/change of address.

Limit Public User Function

When access by public users is allowed, disable the scan function for public users.

Delete LDAP server registration

If the LDAP server is not used, delete the registration information of the LDAP server from this machine.

Checking whether there are sub folders when searching for an SMB sharing folder

Specify whether to check if there are sub folders when this machine searches for an SMB sharing folder on the network.

Select [Network] - [SMB Setting] - [SMB Browsing setting] in administrator mode of Web Connection (or in [Utility] - [Administrator] of this machine), and configure the following settings.



[SMB Browsing setting]

Select whether to check if there are sub folders when searching for an SMB sharing folder on the network (default: [Disable Sub search]).

  • [Enable Sub search]: Checks whether there are sub folders. If there are sub folders, "+" is displayed on the parent folder icon.

  • [Disable Sub search]: Does not check whether there are sub folders. Select this option to shorten the time required to display the result when searching for a folder.